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A web series where naive and rebellious teens
grow up, get down, and come out in the '90s grunge-era

Name: Roxanne Grey (played by Laura Long)

Birthday: September 19th

Sign: Virgo

Favorite color: Pastel Pink

Favorite Ice Cream: Orange Shebert

Special/Weird skill:  Great at knitting

Favorite OJBG Memory: The night of Hunter’s party where I found my needle in a haystack,the night I fell in love with Adrian.

Roxanne Grey is known to her friends as being loyal, charming and free-spirited. The DC native is the only daughter of the wealthy Grey Family. Due to her father’s battle with alcohol and her mother’s obsession with being an ideal socialite, Roxanne’s maturity branches from raising herself to become the woman she wants to, aspiring to be the opposite of her parents. In spite of her family, she is a down to earth girl and wise beyond her years. She contrasts with her friends at times due to her maturity. Yet, she seems to be the glue that holds everyone together.

Throughout the years, the home of Sarah and Hunter Gallagher has become Roxanne’s second home, Beth and Roxanne share a sister-like bond. Strong friendships are essential in Roxanne’s life, and she works to protect and nourish her relationships with her dearest friends, who include; Beth, Sarah, Kris, Maggie, and Yasmine. Roxanne differs from her girlfriends in the sense that her maturity and charm draws people toward her- regardless of age. Boys in particular seem to be drawn to Roxanne’s charm and become fascinated by it.

When it comes to love, Rox has her heart under lock and key. Although, Roxanne enjoys a good chase she has every intention of never actually being caught. To her surprise, she not only finds herself caught but she opens her heart for the first time – as Adrian holds the key. The young teen and twenty-two year old find themselves in an impossible relationship in which they attempt to find possibility.

One Minute in the Life of Roxanne